Can My Tooth Still be Saved If I Have Advanced Periodontitis?

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When periodontitis is left untreated, it can progress into advanced periodontitis, which can cause significant damage to the teeth and gums. At this stage, the disease has reached the bone and can cause teeth to become loose and shift, leading to eventual tooth loss. However, many patients wonder if it's possible to save their teeth once they've reached this stage of the disease. At Dental@888 General and Aesthetic Dentistry in Seattle, WA, Dr. Hal Kussick offers several treatment options to help save teeth affected by advanced periodontitis. 

Scaling and root planing 

Scaling and root planing is a nonsurgical procedure that involves deep cleaning the pockets around the teeth to remove plaque and tartar buildup. This procedure can help get rid of bacteria and infection that has spread to the root of the tooth. Scaling and root planing can effectively reduce inflammation and stop the disease's progression. This treatment is often enough to save the tooth and prevent further damage. 

Antibiotic treatment 

Antibiotic treatment can be used with scaling and root planing to further decrease the number of bacteria in the mouth. Antibiotics can be prescribed in the form of pills or as a topical gel. This treatment can help remove any remaining infection and reduce inflammation. 

Gum grafts 

Gum grafts are a surgical procedure that involves taking tissue from another part of the mouth and placing it over the affected area. This procedure can help restore the gums that have receded due to advanced periodontitis. Gum grafts can also help protect the tooth roots from further damage and reduce tooth sensitivity. This treatment can be effective in saving the tooth and preventing further damage. 

Periodontal surgery 

In cases where advanced periodontitis has caused significant damage to the gums and bone, periodontal surgery may be necessary to save the tooth. This procedure involves lifting the gums and removing bacteria, tartar, and damaged tissue. The bone around the tooth is then reshaped to support the tooth and promote healing. Once the area is cleaned and reshaped, the gums are then repositioned and sutured in place. This procedure can be effective in saving the tooth and preventing further damage. 

Save your smile 

At Dental@888 General and Aesthetic Dentistry in Seattle, WA, Dr. Hal Kussick understands the importance of saving teeth affected by advanced periodontitis. With a range of treatment options, he can help stop the progression of the disease, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. If you're experiencing symptoms of advanced periodontitis, such as loose teeth, bleeding gums, or bad breath, contact our office to schedule a consultation.

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